Friday 23 March 2012

More prints

My prints related to consumerism 

Contact Sheet

How to make a contact sheet & how to develop photos

A better explanation of how to process film

How to process black and white film

Step by step how to use a SLR film camera
(scanner wasn't big enough to fit the whole page on)

Keith Arnatt
This photo shows the effect of consumerism on the world, which is a lot of waste and rubbish that gets left on the streets or in great landfill sites. 

I also think that if we're going to consume so much food etc, that the waste that comes from it should be disposed of properly in a way which is good for the environment. This photo makes me think of the world as a messy place filled with junk and rubbish. 

Billy Monk

The amount of bottles of cola shown in the photo makes me think that coca cola is associated with having fun and relaxing, and that's why people buy it so often.

Because the lady in the photo is wearing office clothes, it looks as though she has had a hard day at work and has consumed a lot of alcohol to maybe relax and take her mind off work and stress. 

Keith Yahrling

I think this photo shows how consumerism has made products become so popular and mass produced that you need 20 different flavours for one type of drink and that they need supermarkets to be built bigger to accommodate for this amount of product in one store. 

The way that the boxes of coca cola are stacked so high make Coca Cola seem like a very powerful and massive company which overshadows the rest of the products in the shop. 

Friday 16 March 2012

i'm the worst at saving money. i only got paid last night and i already have pretty much spent it all, but to be fair i needed a desk and mothers day is on sunday and i had to put some dolla in the savings account. 
Something i saw on tumblr haha

dog on christmas

Oreo mouse cake 

 Hoover Dam, showing how much water in consumed and how the water levels are dropping. 
Tesco's trolleys.